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When Art Meets Science
You Get 
Beautiful Results!

Services We Offer

Dog training right where you need it. Our experienced dog trainer comes to your home or around town for private training lessons so you and your dog get the attention you need where you need it.  


Our goal is to provide long-lasting results through expert training.  We have decades of experience in taking hyper hounds to calm canines.   


Our high success and client satisfaction rates are our greatest source of pride. 


The biggest difference between our programs is that the larger ones allow you to get results faster with our jumpstart training.  This is where our trainers work one on one with your dog with experienced handling and expert timing so your dog learns the needed skills faster and you are able to enjoy the results with us doing the heavy lifting for you.  People are amazed at the changes they see in their dog after the jumpstart.   


The longer programs also have more long-term support after the program ends for more peace of mind.

Imagine being able to have people over again. Or actually enjoying taking your dog for a walk!


If right now you dread having people over because you hate the way your dog goes crazy when they arrive.  Wouldn't you love to not have to apologize for your dog jumping up or stuffing their sniffer where it doesn't belong?  We can teach them to go to their bed when you ask them to, so that you are able to invite people in without the chaos.


Does your dog run out of the house and make you worry that they will run into the street and get hit by a car?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they always waited for permission to go out the door?


Maybe you just want to be able to take your dog for a nice walk around the neighborhood without the overexcited greeting of everyone you meet or barking and pulling towards other people walking their dogs.   


Even your dog can learn to relax and have good manners!


This program is typically completed in about 4 weeks or less and includes:


  • One jumpstart dog only lesson where the trainer works 1 on 1 with your dog to put your training on the fast track

  • Unlimited trainer support during the program. You won't have to wait till your next session if you have a question or are struggling with something, we are just a phone call or text away and will help you out right away!

  • A roadmap with clear instructions and resources so that you can learn faster, review what you’re learning anytime and never feel stuck.

  • We will solve problems like: Pulling on walks, over excited greetings, jumping up, mouthing or nipping, running out doors or rushing down stairs and teach them how to chill to keep them from being a tripping hazard.  

  • Reliability at home

  • All recommended equipment included


  • Access to 3 months of text/email/phone support after the program ends should a question come up in the future.

Is your dog unable to listen to you when exciting things are happening?  sometimes even when there arn't exciting things happening?  Do they pull you down the street?  bark or get over excitied when they see other people or dogs?


Wouldn't you love to have easy walks even on busy streets?  a dog that is happy to go at your pace, walking by your side and not bothered by all of the action around them?


Wouldn't it be cool if your dog’s favorite thing to do was to hang out and pay attention to you?


When people come over your dog stays calm, and when you want to go somewhere, your dog happily jumps into the car, and stays when you open the door to let them out, rather than dashing away before you have a chance to grab them.

Everyone is super impressed by your calm, confident dog, and you can be proud of them at home and in public as well!

You can go to the café and have your dog stay calm even if it’s busy. You can take the kids and your dog to the park, knowing that your dog won’t yank at the end of the lead trying to explore every single smell. If it’s quiet, you can let them off the lead and know they won’t go far.


This popular program gives you the freedom to enjoy your dog more often and in more places! You can walk down a busy street, or sit outside a cafe and still have your dog pay attention to you.

This program is typically completed in about 8 weeks or less and includes:


  • Four specialized jumpstart training sessions where the trainer works 1 on 1 with your dog so they learn faster and you enjoy results sooner. That means we do more of the heavy lifting so there is less hard work for you and faster and better results!

  • Unlimited support from your trainer during the program. Get help when you need it!

  • Trips around town so that your dog learns how to listen and behave in new environments

  • Solving your specific dog related problems like ignoring you around distractions, pulling on walks, getting over excited in the house and more!

  • Reliability around distractions

  • All recommended equipment included


  • Access to 3 months of in-person support after the program ends so you can get the best results possible.

When you got a dog, you dreamed of taking them everywhere with you. You wanted to go for blissful walks on the beautiful river valley trails and take them into town for walks on Whyte avenue to take in the street art and festivals on Saturday mornings.


Instead, your dog goes nuts and drags you down the trails, barking at squirrels and lunging at other people and dogs.  You don't dare take your dog anywhere there are crowds and sometimes just walking around your neighborhood is so embarrassing that you have a hard time talking yourself into going for a walk.   


What if instead you were able to enjoy taking your dog for walks in public and how would it feel if people commented on how well behaved your dog is instead of giving you advice on how to fix your dog or telling you that you should get rid of your fur baby.


Do you feel stressed at the very thought of taking your dog for walks because they get protective of you around other dogs and lunge and bark?  Do you feel embarrassed because you’re not able to control them?  Are you afraid of what may happen if your dog gets loose or if someone gets too close?  


Or maybe your dog has trauma from past experiences and are fearful of dogs or humans and nothing you try seems to help.


None of this has to be!  Even your dog (yes, even your dog!) can have new confidence and learn to let you take care of them. This program will give you everything you need so that owning your dog will be easy. relaxing and give you the joy you have always wanted.  


At home, in town, at the beach, in the bush or on a walk around your block, your dog is happy to ignore everything going on around them and focus on you. They wag their tail as they look at you to see what you’re going do or say next. They actually want to follow where you lead!


Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything…OR you just want to be sure your new dog starts off on the right paw from the word go.


We’ve got you covered in this program! Because of the extra time built into the program, it means that you can achieve reliability on lead and off lead around most things.


This program is typically completed in about 8 weeks or less and includes:


  • Six specialized Jump Start Training days where the trainer works 1 on 1 with your dog so that they will learn faster and you can enjoy results sooner. That means less of the hard work and stress for you and better results!

  • Unlimited trainer support during the program. Get help when you need it!

  • Field trips around town so that your dog learns to listen and behave in new environments

  • Solving your dog training problems like not listening when they’re excited or off the leash, pulling on lead, lunging and barking at dogs and people or going nuts every time someone rings the doorbell or even just walks down the street.

  • Off Leash reliability around most distractions

  • All recommended equipment included


  • Three Years of in-person support after the program ends to brush up on anything or resolve any new issues that might pop up.

Happy, Healthy Harmony

Happy Clients

I took on a rescue that came to me with some issues. I had no idea how to move forward with him. Fast forward I met Jozie Nolting and in very short order she taught me to gain his confidence and trust. We did this through obedience and boundaries. I am blessed to still have this dog after 13 years and his obedience is still wonderful and his loyalty to me is unbelievable. If not for Jozie I’m afraid my boy would have ended up back at the rescue. I have called upon her skills many times over the years. I think she is an amazing trainer and I trust her methods as being fair, caring and humane.


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